I am afraid I know almost nothing about this, but as this is the Internet I am not going to let that stop me.
Sorry this video has been removed. I hear a production is in progress in Illinois, so hopefully some trailer will make it onto YouTube at some point.
I have just come across this rather amazing Youtube video of a musical version of the life of Zenobia. I am a bit behind the times because it seems to have been put on in Dubai in 2008. And boy must it have been spectacular judging the by the clip with a huge cast up to and including horses and camels. The music sounds pretty good too.
It is good to see Zenobia getting some decent billing and being portrayed in a positive light. I have previously covered the full story of Zenobia but I don’t know how well she is known in the Arab world – though I guess this musical must have raised her profile whatever it was. I hope some people were inspired.