I Leave Twitter

The thing that finally prompted me actually to close my Twitter account was seeing something on Bluesky that said that Elon Musk had changed the terms and conditions to require…

Et Ecce Terrae Motus

York Minster; the Quire and organ

I can’t remember how this bit of music got into my life. I’ve been listening to it every now and again since I had a CD player – and I think I may have bought it for no other reason than it was cheap and looked intriguing. But it has always carried me away to somewhere mystical. I’ve never spotted a performance of it anywhere, and it occurred to me that I know nothing whatever about it apart from its name. So here’s a what I found out with a bit of googling, AI and editing.

Why I’m Bitter about Twitter

Twitter was fun while it lasted, and it lasted a long time. But nothing lasts forever, and especially in online media, nothing is in a vacuum. What happens outside a…

Trump wins and I feel elated

Donald Trump speaks at an event about his plan for defeating current President Joe Biden Although I didn’t want Trump to win, and I can see a lot of downsides…